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Suicidal Thoughts


Many people have dark thoughts – men, women and young people. Life gets too stressful, everything seems to be going wrong – work, relationships, education, bereavement, illness. It's often not one thing that becomes harder to emotionally manage but can be a series of smaller issues or problems.

Sometimes it feels as though these are overwhelming and too hard to deal with and you probably feel as though you don't want to burden anyone or no-one would want to listen or understand.


These distressing thoughts can lead to thinking I can't deal with this pain any more or perhaps that everyone else would be better off without me. I'm not worth helping. I would be better off dead.


Some make a plan as to how they would kill themselves. This can also act as a safety net knowing that if everything gets too bad they have a way out but doesn't always mean they are going to take own life.


Find someone to talk to.


I have experience of listening to people who are struggling with emotional pain and don't feel they can talk to family or friends.


Talking really can help make sense of the hopelessness and distress you are feeling.


Papyrus UK

Prevention of Young Suicide (under 35)

HOPELINE247   0800 068 4141


Samaritans phone: 116 123

(24 hour free helpline)








Thanks for your message, I will contact you within 24 hours.

© 2018 Sally Kerr Counsellor

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